Pteris aspericaulis "Tricolor"
Product code : PTR-APT
Pot size : 4" (Mature plant)
Price : $15.00
**This item can be shipped in pot**
An attractive fern with a bright red to the new growth, then change to bronze before eventually turning dark green. The mid veins remain red. Matures to approx, 25-30 cm. in height. Does best in peat-based medium under partial shade.
Pot size : 4" (Mature plant)
Price : $15.00
**This item can be shipped in pot**
An attractive fern with a bright red to the new growth, then change to bronze before eventually turning dark green. The mid veins remain red. Matures to approx, 25-30 cm. in height. Does best in peat-based medium under partial shade.