Asplenium polyodon
Product code : APN-PLD
Pot size : 4" (Mature plant)
Price : $20.00
**This item can be shipped in pot**
This specie endemics throughout SE Asia in various habitats. Typically is a larger grower matures to 50-60 cm. in height. However, our selection is the plant restricted to limestone cliff, which is fairly compact and stunning with once pinnate falcated and somewhat leathery deep green fronds, reaching 20-30 cm. Also a tight grower lots of fronds rise from very short rhizomes. Does best in relatively high humidity under light shade. Adding limestone promotes its growth and prevent rotting.
Pot size : 4" (Mature plant)
Price : $20.00
**This item can be shipped in pot**
This specie endemics throughout SE Asia in various habitats. Typically is a larger grower matures to 50-60 cm. in height. However, our selection is the plant restricted to limestone cliff, which is fairly compact and stunning with once pinnate falcated and somewhat leathery deep green fronds, reaching 20-30 cm. Also a tight grower lots of fronds rise from very short rhizomes. Does best in relatively high humidity under light shade. Adding limestone promotes its growth and prevent rotting.