For almost 10 years, Siamgreenculture has been developing from a local nursery to be one of the world’s best known and trusted suppliers of rare ferns & companions and unusual tropical foliage plants. We put our years of expertise into growing the healthiest plants that our customers can buy. We grow all of our plants in our greenhouses located in Eastern Thailand. Our small team takes care of the plants from the time they are propagated to when we ship them to you.
We grow the vast majority of our plants by propagating from parent plants kept in our greenhouses. Our team of plant experts oversees the process from snip to ship to ensure our plants are receiving the upmost care from the time they are propagated to when they leave our doors. We grow hundreds plant varieties, meaning our selection looks a little different every few weeks. If what you are looking for is not in stock now, check back soon. They perhaps will be in the next restock.
We grow the vast majority of our plants by propagating from parent plants kept in our greenhouses. Our team of plant experts oversees the process from snip to ship to ensure our plants are receiving the upmost care from the time they are propagated to when they leave our doors. We grow hundreds plant varieties, meaning our selection looks a little different every few weeks. If what you are looking for is not in stock now, check back soon. They perhaps will be in the next restock.
Check out our inventory updates for the newest in-stock plants by click on each plant image below