Siamgreenculture is a tropical plant nursery developed from an online plant vendor on Ebay & Amazon platform "Sgtropical", started offering plants there in 2011 and gradally grows into larger business, from just a corner in a house, now we have been operating a greenhouse complex that spans over 1,000 square meter, creating pristine environment for cultivating the best quality plants. This site has published since 2015 to sharing all the captivating species with plant enthusiasts anywhere in the world.
We specialize in shady, tropical plant sectors and currently have over 600 species/cultivars of unique tropical plants we have been collecting for over 20 years. We also have given considerable thought to what we have been doing and growing. We anticipate bringing many new listings and a much more interesting selection in the future - to include our more of our own breeding.
We specialize in shady, tropical plant sectors and currently have over 600 species/cultivars of unique tropical plants we have been collecting for over 20 years. We also have given considerable thought to what we have been doing and growing. We anticipate bringing many new listings and a much more interesting selection in the future - to include our more of our own breeding.

Almost 20 years supplying plant to our local customers and 10 years experience in exporting, be sure your plant will be professionally packed and our packaging are tailored for them! We also work closely together with export plant quarantine. Thus, import measures and regulations of most countries are on files, making import plant easier for everyone, even a novice.
There are many detailed photos of each plant we offer on this website, with descriptions given species’ habitat and plant characteristics. Our apologies if this may cause slower display. The useful growing information is shown at the top of each genus page. Moreover, you can contact us for further details of which you are interested.
There are many detailed photos of each plant we offer on this website, with descriptions given species’ habitat and plant characteristics. Our apologies if this may cause slower display. The useful growing information is shown at the top of each genus page. Moreover, you can contact us for further details of which you are interested.

Although our site has been published, we sometimes do our business on ebay. CLICK HERE to check our EBay listings which include not only items of general interest but also some one-of-a-kind offerings.
We do accept wholesale orders--can ship larger volume at more competitive prices, which is ideal for resale. CLICK HERE for further details, or contact us if you needs more information.
Siamgreenculture also hopes to preserve many rare, locally endemic species by
introducing artificially propagated plants, botanicals, into cultivation of growers and
nurseries. We only propagate plants by means of vegetative propagation and tissue culture.
We do accept wholesale orders--can ship larger volume at more competitive prices, which is ideal for resale. CLICK HERE for further details, or contact us if you needs more information.
Siamgreenculture also hopes to preserve many rare, locally endemic species by
introducing artificially propagated plants, botanicals, into cultivation of growers and
nurseries. We only propagate plants by means of vegetative propagation and tissue culture.