Asplenium scolopendrium "Crestata"
Product code : APN-SCC
Pot size : 4" (Mature plant)
Price : $15.00
*This item can be shipped in pot*
A cool selection of the European form of Hart's Tongue fern that makes a 15-20 cm. wide clump of narrow, glossy green fronds, each is stitched along the edges and large crested tips. Moist soils and a pH near neutral will produce the best results.
Pot size : 4" (Mature plant)
Price : $15.00
*This item can be shipped in pot*
A cool selection of the European form of Hart's Tongue fern that makes a 15-20 cm. wide clump of narrow, glossy green fronds, each is stitched along the edges and large crested tips. Moist soils and a pH near neutral will produce the best results.